Pet Hotel Boarding / Daycare



During your working hours or when it's inconvenient for you, we offer daytime pet daycare services. Pets are allowed to stay at our facility during business hours, enjoying socialization and recreational activities.

Under our care arrangements, your furry companions can expect:

☀️ 室内活动
☀️ Indoor Activities
We provide secure indoor spaces, allowing pets to engage in moderate exercise and play.

☀️ 饮食和纯净过滤水
☀️ Food and Purifier Water
Scheduled feeding services are provided to ensure pets receive an adequate supply of water and proper nutrition.

☀️ 社交互动
☀️ Social Interaction
Opportunities for interaction with other pets and humans are facilitated to promote socialization among pets.

☀️ 专业照顾
☀️ Professional Care
Experienced staff may offer specialized care, including administering medication, providing special diets, or addressing other specific needs.

☀️ 游戏和玩具
☀️ Games and Toys
A variety of games and toys are provided to ensure pets have ample entertainment during their stay.

☀️ 安全措施
☀️ Safety Measures
Safety facilities and measures, including secure fencing, monitoring systems, and emergency protocols, are in place to ensure the well-being of the pets.

☀️ 定期清洁
☀️ Regular Cleaning
We maintain cleanliness, including the regular cleaning of indoor and outdoor areas, to ensure pets live in a hygienic environment.

☀️ 照片更新
☀️ Photo Updates
Regular updates on pet activities and status are provided through photos, text messages, or an online camera system.

☀️ 24小时冷气空调
☀️ 24 Hour Air-Conditioning

☀️ 24小时空气净化器
☀️ 24 Hour Air-Purifier


Make Appointment

We would be more than happy to solve your problem and question, please arrange your appointment with us.